Dade County School News
Pre-K Rocks!
Home of the Wolverines
Welcome Message from the Superintendent
Welcome to Dade County Schools.
It takes all of us working together as a TEAM to achieve remarkable things for our well-deserving students. When faced with challenging circumstances, we do not run from the challenge; our TEAM unites as Together, Everyone Achieves More.
As I continue to serve in this role as Superintendent of Dade County Schools, my pledge is the same as it was when I started on day one - I will continue to strive for excellence on behalf of our students, our staff, our families, and this amazing community.
What's Going On...
DCS Calendar
DCHS Wrestling State Tourn. @ Macon
all day
DMS Band Concert Camp
all day
DMS Soccer Tryouts 3:10-5:00pm
all day
DCHS Wrestling State Tourn. @ Macon
all day
DMS GMEA All-State Chorus
all day
DES Good News Club
DCHS Soccer vs. North Jackson - Home
Davis Valentine's Bash
all day
DCHS Wrestling State Tourn. @ Macon
all day
DMS GMEA All-State Chorus
all day