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Welcome to Testing


Chris Davis

Chris Davis 
Director of Academics/Testing

Dade County Schools utilizes an assessment program consisting of state, district, and classroom assessments. Results of assessments are used to identify students' level of content mastery, to guide teachers with instructional planning, and to support the district in identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to improve instructional effectiveness.

DCS follows guidelines for test security, test preparation, test administration, and test data as provided by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), the Professional Standards Commission (PSC), and the Dade County Board of Education. DCS provides many measures of test security, which includes providing extensive training for school-level testing coordinators, limiting access to test materials, and system-level administrative oversight on testing days.

Further information on DCS assessments can be located in our list located on the left hand side of this page. Questions can be directed to DCS Director of Testing, Chris Davis, at